Mind, Thought, Freedom
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Monday, February 11, 2019
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Monday, August 28, 2017
Law of Attraction: The final Nuance
To me the final nuance to use the Law of Attraction is to stay positive. If you cannot stay positive surround yourself with the things that will help you keep a positive mind. You must be happy all the time or constantly working on being happy or joyous. When you start neglecting your emotions and yourself you revert back to being negative.
The Neuro transmitters in your brain are subject to change frequency with your emotions. If your happy your body normally feels good. If your sad your body has aches and pains that keeps you sad. Keeping yourself positive can keep your body positive and vice versa.
The Neuro transmitters in your brain are subject to change frequency with your emotions. If your happy your body normally feels good. If your sad your body has aches and pains that keeps you sad. Keeping yourself positive can keep your body positive and vice versa.
Monday, August 21, 2017
Law Of Attraction: Nuance 2
The second nuance to that I have found is dealing with your emotions. Lets say you have a radar screen that is 5 inches wide. It sees 5 inches around your mind and body.

Most people see only what's on their radar screen. For individuals that can use the Law of Attraction effectively believe that whatever they think about will come to them fast as can be. Secondly, if you are feeling bad when you think about what you want it will not come in. You are actually pushing it away. This is where being emotionally aware of you comes in. If you are feeling happy about what your are thinking about you are attracting that into your reality.
In the book, the Law of Attraction and Ask and it is Given by Jerry and Esther Hicks, explains this a whole lot better than I am doing here. So, bare with me please.
When you are thinking, lets say money, you want $1,000.00 per month. When you put this out in the universe using the Law of Attraction you must be thinking about it all the time, you must be feeling good about it, and finally, you must believe you already have it. If you are feeling bad, you are thinking about the lack of not having it therefore it will never come in until you change your thinking.
When I first started using this, and it actually worked, I was excited. I had finally created something in my life that I wanted. But, what I got first was like minded thoughts. This happens first, Like attracts like, these ideas came rushing in like flood waters. Although, I knew that I had to stay focused on what I wanted, that is the hard part. The ideas flood in so fast but I had some that would stick around and pester me. So, I learned a trick, I acknowledged the thought, evaluated the thought, and then told myself it was not a good thought and that I should only be bringing in thoughts that would help me achieve my goal. For example our $1,000 per month, I would get an thought that if I rob a bank I could get the $1,000 a month, but that is not a reasonable thought. I would say "I acknowledge this idea but it is a bad idea and that I should not be having these thoughts about robing a bank." Then my mind would give me another and another. If it wasn't a good idea I would do this over and over until I found one. You will know it is a good Idea or thought because you will be feeling excitement like it was Christmas Day and you Knew you were getting presents.
If you don't quite understand please leave a comment I will answer them.
Until next time....

Most people see only what's on their radar screen. For individuals that can use the Law of Attraction effectively believe that whatever they think about will come to them fast as can be. Secondly, if you are feeling bad when you think about what you want it will not come in. You are actually pushing it away. This is where being emotionally aware of you comes in. If you are feeling happy about what your are thinking about you are attracting that into your reality.
In the book, the Law of Attraction and Ask and it is Given by Jerry and Esther Hicks, explains this a whole lot better than I am doing here. So, bare with me please.
When you are thinking, lets say money, you want $1,000.00 per month. When you put this out in the universe using the Law of Attraction you must be thinking about it all the time, you must be feeling good about it, and finally, you must believe you already have it. If you are feeling bad, you are thinking about the lack of not having it therefore it will never come in until you change your thinking.
When I first started using this, and it actually worked, I was excited. I had finally created something in my life that I wanted. But, what I got first was like minded thoughts. This happens first, Like attracts like, these ideas came rushing in like flood waters. Although, I knew that I had to stay focused on what I wanted, that is the hard part. The ideas flood in so fast but I had some that would stick around and pester me. So, I learned a trick, I acknowledged the thought, evaluated the thought, and then told myself it was not a good thought and that I should only be bringing in thoughts that would help me achieve my goal. For example our $1,000 per month, I would get an thought that if I rob a bank I could get the $1,000 a month, but that is not a reasonable thought. I would say "I acknowledge this idea but it is a bad idea and that I should not be having these thoughts about robing a bank." Then my mind would give me another and another. If it wasn't a good idea I would do this over and over until I found one. You will know it is a good Idea or thought because you will be feeling excitement like it was Christmas Day and you Knew you were getting presents.
If you don't quite understand please leave a comment I will answer them.
Until next time....
Sunday, August 6, 2017
The Law of Attraction: What it is?
The Law of Attraction is a physical law of the universe. However, for arguments sake we will just say it is a law of the world we live in. The Law of Attraction has been talked about in many books, documentaries, and movies. In movies there have been very subtle innuendos to this little known law. The main movie that the law of attraction was hinted about was the Star Wars movie franchise. Just go back and listen to Yoda's lines in all of those movies you will understand what I am saying. There are two documentaries the explain the law of attraction. The first is a book and a movie it is called "The Secret" the second is called "What the bleep do we Know?" These movies explain the law of attraction but they really don't go in depth in how to use it.
So I have given you some sources to help me explain what this Law of Attraction is. The Law of Attraction first and foremost is a law of the universe. Which the meaning of the Law of Attraction is like attracts like. You are probably saying to your self "How can that be?" Look at it this way a north pole magnet attracts a south pole magnet because they both are putting out the same frequency. If you have read my previous posts you know what frequency is. So for those who haven't read my posts frequency is the energy or vibration that everything emits. For example: if you are thinking about being in a great relationship with someone that is the frequency you are emitting from your brain. That does not necessarily mean you are going to get that great relationship because there are some little nuances that make the Law of Attraction work.

The Law of Attraction is the use of the mind to have be or do anything you want. The quote above explains it right on the money. What people don't realize is they have been using the Law of Attraction their whole lives. The way that it was explained to me is you get a burning desire for something, you think about it all of the time, and when you think about you have to have no doubt or fear that you will achieve it, then you achieve it. When you have doubt the law attraction is still working because you are telling the universe that you can't have it so the universe says okay I will not give it to you because you are telling me you do not want it. The Christian scripture from the bible also says this: "Blessed are those who believe and do not see." What I have taken this to mean is that I must believe with out a shadow of doubt that I can have, be, or do anything I want before I can have it. This is just 1 of many nuances that this Law of Attraction has to make it work effectively.
Until Next time,
So I have given you some sources to help me explain what this Law of Attraction is. The Law of Attraction first and foremost is a law of the universe. Which the meaning of the Law of Attraction is like attracts like. You are probably saying to your self "How can that be?" Look at it this way a north pole magnet attracts a south pole magnet because they both are putting out the same frequency. If you have read my previous posts you know what frequency is. So for those who haven't read my posts frequency is the energy or vibration that everything emits. For example: if you are thinking about being in a great relationship with someone that is the frequency you are emitting from your brain. That does not necessarily mean you are going to get that great relationship because there are some little nuances that make the Law of Attraction work.
The Law of Attraction is the use of the mind to have be or do anything you want. The quote above explains it right on the money. What people don't realize is they have been using the Law of Attraction their whole lives. The way that it was explained to me is you get a burning desire for something, you think about it all of the time, and when you think about you have to have no doubt or fear that you will achieve it, then you achieve it. When you have doubt the law attraction is still working because you are telling the universe that you can't have it so the universe says okay I will not give it to you because you are telling me you do not want it. The Christian scripture from the bible also says this: "Blessed are those who believe and do not see." What I have taken this to mean is that I must believe with out a shadow of doubt that I can have, be, or do anything I want before I can have it. This is just 1 of many nuances that this Law of Attraction has to make it work effectively.
Until Next time,
Monday, July 24, 2017
The Mind and The Brain
The mind and the brain are two separate things. Most people believe that the mind and the brain are the same. I am here to tell you they are not. So lets go on with it. The mind is what is around you or what some would call your continence or your inner being some would even say it is your sub- conscious and conscious mind. Whereas the brain is the actual organ that holds your mind. With that being said I know most of you reading this your teach ability index just shot to zero because this is a hard concept to understand. I will continue anyway.
What if I told you that "Thoughts are Things"? What would you say to that? How would you react? Secondly, what if I told you that your brain is a transmitter and receiver of vibration or energy or frequency?

Albert Einstein believes everything is energy. Look at the quote above. I will take this a step deeper. All things are made up of atoms. From your body to a house to a car. These atoms are just in different combinations. The quote above also says "Match the frequency of the reality you want..." How do we do that, by using our brain. It is the transmitter and receiver of frequency.
I am using the term frequency because it is proven that everything oscillates at a certain frequency. For example: A opera singer hits a note and it shatters glass windows. That is because the voice matched the same vibrating frequency as the glass. You can also look at You Tube and listen to different frequencies called binaural beats. Allegedly, each frequency helps harmonize the body. There is also a great movie called "What the Bleep Do We Know" check it out it talks a whole lot about how the brain works as a transmitter and a receiver of frequency. Here is the great thing about the brain and the mind we as humans know very little about either, but everyday there are breakthroughs that most alleged scientists just disregard because they are closed minded. Just explain to me this How does a radio work? How does the signals travel through brick and mortar, steel, and concrete? How does your cell phone pick up a signal through solid structures? This is what scientists cannot answer because they don't even know. All I can say is this nothing is solid go past the atomic state there are gaps between the electrons, neutrons, and the nucleus. However there is no proof visually through a microscope because we have not created one yet. However, we have proof every day that it must be true because if your radio, t.v., and cell phones.
What if I told you that "Thoughts are Things"? What would you say to that? How would you react? Secondly, what if I told you that your brain is a transmitter and receiver of vibration or energy or frequency?
Albert Einstein believes everything is energy. Look at the quote above. I will take this a step deeper. All things are made up of atoms. From your body to a house to a car. These atoms are just in different combinations. The quote above also says "Match the frequency of the reality you want..." How do we do that, by using our brain. It is the transmitter and receiver of frequency.
I am using the term frequency because it is proven that everything oscillates at a certain frequency. For example: A opera singer hits a note and it shatters glass windows. That is because the voice matched the same vibrating frequency as the glass. You can also look at You Tube and listen to different frequencies called binaural beats. Allegedly, each frequency helps harmonize the body. There is also a great movie called "What the Bleep Do We Know" check it out it talks a whole lot about how the brain works as a transmitter and a receiver of frequency. Here is the great thing about the brain and the mind we as humans know very little about either, but everyday there are breakthroughs that most alleged scientists just disregard because they are closed minded. Just explain to me this How does a radio work? How does the signals travel through brick and mortar, steel, and concrete? How does your cell phone pick up a signal through solid structures? This is what scientists cannot answer because they don't even know. All I can say is this nothing is solid go past the atomic state there are gaps between the electrons, neutrons, and the nucleus. However there is no proof visually through a microscope because we have not created one yet. However, we have proof every day that it must be true because if your radio, t.v., and cell phones.
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
The Leap
I finally got tired of being tired. I knew there was more and I wanted it. After, all of the information that I had learned in the beginning I got a craving to learn more about having, being, and doing anything I wanted. I bought over 20 some books from authors such as Napoleon Hill, Zig Ziglar, Norman Vincent Peele, and many others. The information blew my mind. In just a few short weeks I had read several books that showed me something that I never knew was there. Actual Reality! I was amazed. I have found what I was looking for. A new understanding, a new perspective on my life. It gave me hope.
With this new found hope, I learned that some laws of nature are superseded by other laws of nature. For example: the law of gravity is superseded by the law of lift. The law of lift is how airplanes fly in the air. But there is still another law that is still stronger than both the laws of gravity and lift. That is a law that Napoleon Hill understood from the tutelage of Andrew Carnegie and the secret that Earl Nightingale recorded back in the 1960's. This law is called the law of attraction.

The book I first learned about this was in The Law Attraction by Jerry and Esther Hicks. Where they stated the "Like Attracts Like". It also teaches the basics of the law of attraction and how you can use it to have be or do anything in your life.
With this new found hope, I learned that some laws of nature are superseded by other laws of nature. For example: the law of gravity is superseded by the law of lift. The law of lift is how airplanes fly in the air. But there is still another law that is still stronger than both the laws of gravity and lift. That is a law that Napoleon Hill understood from the tutelage of Andrew Carnegie and the secret that Earl Nightingale recorded back in the 1960's. This law is called the law of attraction.
The book I first learned about this was in The Law Attraction by Jerry and Esther Hicks. Where they stated the "Like Attracts Like". It also teaches the basics of the law of attraction and how you can use it to have be or do anything in your life.
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Final Concepts: Before the Leap
The final two concepts I had to learn before I just took the leap was a training scale and the four steps to learning. First, the training scale is comprised of two things. One side is the thoughts, the other is the actions. Most individuals believe that this has to be balanced. What I mean is that you do as much action as thinking. However, this is not true. Thoughts is 99.9% of anything you do. Napoleon Hill said it this way "What ever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." So, what this means is if you can think of something you can be do or have and bring yourself to the point of believing that you are going to get it without any doubt you will get it.

I will go more in depth on this in later posts.
The final concept is the four steps to learning. I came across these a second time in a book called The New Psycho Cybernetics. The four steps to learning are:
I will go more in depth on this in later posts.
The final concept is the four steps to learning. I came across these a second time in a book called The New Psycho Cybernetics. The four steps to learning are:
- Unconscious Incompetence: You don't know what you don't know.
- Conscious Incompetence: You know that you don't know.
- Conscious Competence: You know but you have to think about what you are doing. For example: most people put pant on one leg at a time pull them up fasten them then go. But if you remember when you first learned how to put them on you had to think in steps I put my left leg in first, then right leg, then pull them up, then fasten them.
- Unconscious Competence: You know with out thinking. Muscle memory or some would call autopilot. For example: You just put on your pants without thinking about the steps.
Thursday, July 6, 2017
The Will to Learn
Do you have the will to learn? Do you have what it takes to start from the beginning? What is you willingness to change?
This next thing I learned was where did I stood on learning and accepting change. It is a index or a scale that my advisor taught me called "Teach ability Index." This Index comprises of two things: How teachable are you? and Your willingness to accept change? This is the crutch of learning new information.
For me, I was willing to learn. I was willing to give up anything! I wanted to learn everything I could on anything and everything teaching me what I was doing wrong in my life and how to correct it. I was thirty something with no future and playing endless mind games with inmates. I was a corrections officer at a state run facility when I started learning this information. I felt lost and I knew there was more to life than the old rat race.
As for my willingness to accept change, it was difficult because I had to break all of my old habits and old ways of thinking. No human being likes change but if you have the will to learn you have the will to change.
To quote a film line that I think is appropriate right now. "What is the essence of man?" ask yourself this question.

Take this above picture, what is the essence of this picture? What does it tell you? What does it convey? How does it touch you? I can answer all three question with in one word: CHANGE!
Nature is an never ending battle of change. The leaves fall in the winter then reappear in the spring. The water evaporates then comes back as precipitation. The bird lays eggs to bring forth new birds. See, even nature changes from day to day, month to month, year to year.
So ask yourself again "What is the essence of man?"
This next thing I learned was where did I stood on learning and accepting change. It is a index or a scale that my advisor taught me called "Teach ability Index." This Index comprises of two things: How teachable are you? and Your willingness to accept change? This is the crutch of learning new information.
For me, I was willing to learn. I was willing to give up anything! I wanted to learn everything I could on anything and everything teaching me what I was doing wrong in my life and how to correct it. I was thirty something with no future and playing endless mind games with inmates. I was a corrections officer at a state run facility when I started learning this information. I felt lost and I knew there was more to life than the old rat race.
As for my willingness to accept change, it was difficult because I had to break all of my old habits and old ways of thinking. No human being likes change but if you have the will to learn you have the will to change.
To quote a film line that I think is appropriate right now. "What is the essence of man?" ask yourself this question.
Take this above picture, what is the essence of this picture? What does it tell you? What does it convey? How does it touch you? I can answer all three question with in one word: CHANGE!
Nature is an never ending battle of change. The leaves fall in the winter then reappear in the spring. The water evaporates then comes back as precipitation. The bird lays eggs to bring forth new birds. See, even nature changes from day to day, month to month, year to year.
So ask yourself again "What is the essence of man?"
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
The First Step: Trust
My first step into the rabbit hole was to figure out who to trust? What I mean is this: The information coming from a reliable source? Do I believe this person? Do I believe everyone telling me to trust this individual? Ultimately I had no idea who to believe. Until, listening to an audio of his, he said this "you listen to the people who have what you want and have been where your at." This was a very powerful statement because I had always been taught to rely on myself and no one else. This one statement just ultimately shattered my whole upbringing. I finally understood what I was doing wrong. I was listening to the wrong people.

It was almost like he was talking to me directly. So, I sat out to learn more on what was ultimately called who do you listen too? I wanted to understand more on this so I bought books, I read websites, and listened to audio recordings on this subject. I had only found little obscure snippets on the subject who do you listen to? Until one day it dawned on me what I was trying to actually learn. That was to trust myself enough to understand what is fact and what is just opinions, to be open to all possibilities, and to challenge something that I do not understand. this was my start to mind, thought, freedom.
It was almost like he was talking to me directly. So, I sat out to learn more on what was ultimately called who do you listen too? I wanted to understand more on this so I bought books, I read websites, and listened to audio recordings on this subject. I had only found little obscure snippets on the subject who do you listen to? Until one day it dawned on me what I was trying to actually learn. That was to trust myself enough to understand what is fact and what is just opinions, to be open to all possibilities, and to challenge something that I do not understand. this was my start to mind, thought, freedom.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
The Beginning: Down the Rabbit Hole
When I first learned about, what I am going to share over the next few weeks months or even years, I was astounded by how blind I was to the truth. I was in fact in awe of the awakening that happened to me. I always knew that there was more to this life than just waking up, going to work, coming home and going to bed. I just knew deep down that there is more to this than just the usual rat race.
In early 2009, I was exposed to an individual, who is now in prison, that explained that there was more to life than just living the social norm. I fell for it. I believed it. I knew this person was right. This was the beginning of my journey down the rabbit hole. (To be honest I still haven't completed my journey.)
So, from here on out I will be telling you my story of my continuous journey down the rabbit hole. Also, on this journey I will be explaining what I have learned and how it was pertinent to the journey. For everyone who is reading this or will be reading this. I am going to try to post 3 times a month plus the fourth posting for the month will be about a book that I have read along the way on my journey. So stay tuned.... and please send comments, questions, anything that you may need clarification on as we embark on the trip down the rabbit hole.
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